About me
|Astrophysist * Millimeter astronomer * Astrochemist|
I am an Ramanujan Faculty Fellow (see SERB/DST site for details) at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL, Ahmedabad, India). Before joining as a Ramanujan Fellow from August, 2022, I worked as an Academia Sinica (AS) postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA,) Taiwan. Beside my regular research, I served as an ALMA (Atacama Large (sub)Millimeter Array telescope) regional center member (ARC, EA-Taiwan node) and took part in Quality assurance (QA2) of ALMA data, answering user questions on ALMA knowledge base and organizing workshops. I am still an proud research collaborator/ member of ASIAA which have a big role discovering in Black Hole (EHT), and part of largest millimeter telescope ALMA and many others significant research presence in the international astronomy community. See my curriculum vitae here to know more about my academic and research achievements. https://dipenthink.wixsite.com/dsahu
More details of my research https://dipenthink.wixsite.com/dsahu